Sunday, 19 October 2008

A few good runs ...

There's been some good weather this week and I've had a few good runs with my mates, but now it's gone grotty again and I'm soaking wet, as usual. Here's a picture of me today after my run. Sue says she's running out of dog towels.

Sue's been putting things in her Grandma's brag book. Apparently my Uncle Brodie has qualified for the finals in agility at Olympia, before Christmas. Sue's most impressed and rather pleased.

Prof Crispin came this week and did eye tests for my little cousins, Cuillin and Drift. She said they were very beautiful, and the pups were quite good looking too! Apparently, I heard the humans talking about how they weren't as good as me 'cause they wriggled all the time and made the job quite difficult. The rest of us dogs had our injections bought up to date. We were all very good.

Sue disappeared off on Thursday for the whole day. Her friend Jenny, who's also a friend of mine, came to look after us, it was great 'cause she plays frisbee all day. Tilly, the frisbee queen, is getting a bit cross with me 'cause I'm getting better at the game and get it more often than she does now. I always give it back to her when she looks cross which seems to please her quite a bit. She feels important, but really Nell is the most important in our pack, after Sue.

I'd better finish now as I've got to write to Scout the News Hound and give the updates and help with the blog this week. Speak to you soon.

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